You + Impact


I found this on the internet and I thought it was encouraging.  Ladies, we have worked our butts off regardless of what others think and what grades you’ve currently been bringing home.  Remember that you worked hard to get here.  We, as African American women used to be looked at as the help.  Now we are emerging forward and we are The Help for others.  We are that voice that people want to hear.  Speak up and Speak out.  Be the best in your major because now it’s not just for you, it’s for the other women in the world like you trying to even step foot in your spot.  You may believe that you have it rough, or right now times are hard, but when you become the best YOU that you can possibly be, then you will look back and realize all that you have accomplished.  Knowledge is power, and power is love.

Spring 2013

Spring 2013 is approaching quickly, and although everyone is getting ready to adjust to their newly found classes, classmates, and professors, we would like to ask of you to get adjusted to the newly found website of Today’s Black Women!  Browse around!  On the blog you will be able to access, who has the warm & fuzzy or perhaps the scrapbook.  What our last meeting was about or tips to discovering our upcoming meetings.  We will be posting informational material like what’s happening in politics, the latest trends and also what laws are being passed concerning multicultural women.  The primary focus for this website is to keep you update and informed of our latest findings and upcoming events.  Even though Today’s Black Women is every Monday at 5pm, we encourage you to be an inspirational women everyday!

Be on the lookout as well!  The Mens Football Team will be working very hard this semester with recruiting, training, and play making all for our Spring Game!  Be prepared to go out out and support!